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Dr. Barosum to Speak at Hultz Price at Nile University on Sustainability
Dr. Barsoum been invited as a guest speaker in this year’s Hult Prize Nile University to speak about personal sustainability and social impact “Be the change”.

Dr. Ochis Accepted into Forbes Coaches Council
It is a pleasure for Monarch Business School to announce that Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis has been accepted into the Forbes Coaches Council for 2023.

Prof. Ochis Completes The IMTA Teacher Training in Bled 
It is a pleasure for Monarch Business School to announce that Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis recently completed the 2022 IMTA Teaching Academy through CEEMAN in Bled, Slovenia. Prof. Ochis represented the interests of Monarch Business School at CEEMAN together with representatives from European Business Schools anddiscussed the future of management and education.

Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
What role has fear played in your life? How has fear influenced the decisions that you’ve made thus far? Has it ever silenced you from speaking your truth? Oftentimes, we fear judgement from others because of what we believe to be true. In our attempts to gain approval and validation from others, we don’t give voice to our beliefs, values, and perspectives. We acquiesce our power over to those we think are in the position of power. When we choose

10 Power Women on the Secrets to Their Success
Women around the world are on the rise in their respective careers and industries but their success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes endurance, tenacity, and commitment among other things to build a successful life. Although hard to exercise, patience is key to developing the character and skills a successful person utilizes on a regular basis. Success happens incrementally. When we get discouraged because we don’t see the results we hope to have, it’s easy to give up and throw in